| 0-9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
0-9 ↑
A ↑
- A Chave do Sol
- A-II-Z
- A.D.N.
- Aaronsrod
- Abaddon
- Abattoir
- Abraxas
- Abuse
- Accept
- Accu§er
- Ace
- Ace Lane
- Aceium
- Acer Fury
- Acero
- Aces
- Acid (Bel)
- Acid (Deu)
- Acid Storm
- Acido
- Acracia
- Action
- Adramelch
- Adrian
- Adventure
- Advice
- After Dark
- Aftermath
- Ageless
- Agent Steel
- Agentz
- Ago
- Agony
- Agony (Swe)
- Agony Bag
- Agony Column
- Ahat
- Aion
- Air Borne
- Airdash
- Airstrike
- Airwolf
- Akilla
- Ala Drama
- Alakran
- Alaska
- Alexander
- Alias
- Alias Mangler
- Alien
- Alien (USA)
- Alien Force
- Allied Forces (Ita)
- Allied Forces (Nld)
- Alta Tensão
- Alter Ego
- Alucard
- Alvacast
- Ambush (Swe)
- Amethyst
- Amulance
- Ana Black
- Anaconda
- Anarca
- Anesthesia
- Anesthesia (Can)
- Angel Dust
- Angel Of Mercy
- Angel Witch
- Angeles Del Infierno
- Anger
- Angus
- Anihilated
- Annathema
- Annihilator
- Anthares
- Anthem
- Anthem (Gbr)
- Anthracite
- Anthrax
- Antídoto
- Antix
- Anvil
- Anvil Bitch
- Anvil Chorus
- Anyway
- Aphrodite
- Apocalipsis
- Apocalypse
- Apocalypse (Che)
- Apocalypse (Dnk)
- Apocrypha
- Apollo Ra
- Apostle
- April 16th
- Aquila
- Aragorn
- Arch Rival
- Area
- Argus
- Aria
- Ariel
- Arkangel
- Arkham
- Armada
- Armageddon
- Armed Force
- Armed Forces
- Armored Saint
- Arouge
- Arrecife
- Arrow (Deu)
- Arrow (Swe)
- Artch
- Artillery
- Aryon
- Asgard (Deu)
- Asgard (Nld)
- Ashbury
- Asmodina
- Aspid
- Aspid (Mex)
- Assassin
- Assassin (Deu)
- Assault
- Astaroth (Bra)
- Astaroth (Ita)
- Asylum
- At War
- Atheist
- Atico
- Atila
- Atlain
- Atomkraft
- Atrophy
- Attack
- Attacker
- Attakk
- Attaxe
- Attentat Rock
- Attika
- Attila (Nld)
- Attila (USA)
- Attomica
- August Redmoon
- Auroch
- Aurora
- Auster
- Avalanche
- Avalon (Bra)
- Avalon (Nld)
- Avalon (USA)
- Avatar
- Avenger (Deu)
- Avenger (Gbr)
- Averno
- Avgust
- Awol
- Axatak
- Axe Victims
- Axe Witch
- Axehammer
- Axemaster
- Axework
- Axis
- Axis (USA)
- Axtion
- Axton Pryte
- Axxis
- Azote
- Azul Limão
B ↑
- B.O.2
- Babylon
- Backlash
- Backwater
- Bad Axe
- Bad Karma
- Bad Lizard
- Bad Steve
- Badana
- Badge
- Badger
- Baekdoosan
- Ballantinez
- Banshee
- Banshee (Can)
- Banzai
- Barbarian
- Barnabas
- Barón Rojo
- Baron Steele
- Barracuda
- Barren Cross
- Barry Philip Etches
- Bashful
- Bashful Alley
- Bathory
- Baton Rouge
- Battle Axe
- Battle Bratt
- Battleaxe
- Battlecry
- Battlefield
- Battlezone
- Beast
- Bedlam
- Bella Bestia
- Belladonna
- Bellicose
- Bengal Tigers
- Beowulf
- Berlyn
- Berserks
- Bestial Invasion
- Bezerker
- Biest
- Biscaya
- Bishop Steel
- Bitch
- Bitches Sin
- Black Alice
- Black Angels
- Black Angels (Nor)
- Black Axe
- Black Coffee
- Black Death
- Black Diamond (Deu)
- Black Diamond (USA)
- Black Dragon
- Black Fate
- Black Ghost
- Black Hawk
- Black Hole
- Black Hole (Kor)
- Black Ice
- Black Jack
- Black Knight
- Black Out
- Black Rose (Gbr)
- Black Rose (Zaf)
- Black Sabbath
- Black Sheep
- Black Syndrome
- Black Tears
- Black Virgin
- Black Widow
- Blackbird
- Blackkout
- Blacklace
- Blacklist
- Blackmayne
- Blackout
- Blacksmith (Swe)
- Blacksmith (USA)
- Blackwych
- Blade Runner
- Blasphème
- Bleak House
- Blessed Death
- Blind Assassin
- Blind Beggar
- Blind Fury
- Blind Guardian
- Blind Illusion
- Blind Petition
- Blind Vengeance
- Blitzkrieg (Gbr)
- Blitzkrieg (USA)
- Blitzz
- Blizard
- Blizzard
- Bloke
- Blood Eagle
- Blood Money
- Bloodgood
- Bloodlust
- Bloody Climax
- Bloody Mary
- Bloody Six
- Blowin Free
- Bodine
- Boss
- Boss Tweed
- Boxer
- Brainfever
- Brainstorm
- Brats
- Break Point
- Breaker (Can)
- Breaker (Deu)
- Breaker (USA)
- Breathless
- Breeze Least
- Breslau
- Briar
- Bride
- Brightlights
- Brocas Helm
- Bronx (Fra)
- Bronx (Jpn)
- Bruque
- Budgie
- Buffalo
- Bulldozer
- Bullet
- Burn
- Burning Desire
- Burning Starr
- Burning Vision
- Buzzard
- Byfist
C ↑
- Cacophony
- Cacumen
- Cadena Perpetua
- Caid Deceit
- Calderone
- Calibre 38
- Camelot
- Camelot (Deu)
- Candlemass
- Cannon
- Carbure
- Caress
- Carnage
- Caronte
- Carrie
- Carrion
- Cassle
- Celtic Frost
- Centúrias
- Centurion
- Cerebus
- Chainsaw (Deu)
- Chainsaw (Gbr)
- Chalice
- Challenger
- Charger
- Chariot
- Charisma
- Charley Browne
- Charon
- Charter
- Chasar
- Chastain
- Chateaux
- Chevy
- Child Saint
- Childhood’s End
- Childz Play
- Chinawite
- Chronos
- Chrysis
- Chykle
- Chyld
- Cirith Ungol
- Cities
- Citron
- Clavion
- Clientelle
- Cloven Hoof
- Cobra
- Cobra (Deu)
- Commander
- Confessor
- Contagious
- Convict
- Coroner
- Courage
- Coven
- Coven 13
- Crack Jaw
- Cráneo
- Crazy Lazy
- Creature
- Creed
- Criba
- Crimson Glory
- Crimson Tyger
- Crisis
- Crisis (Gbr)
- Cristal Y Acero
- Crna Udovica
- Crom (Esp)
- Crom (Fin)
- Crossbones
- Crossfire
- Crossfire (Mys)
- Crosshead
- Crowhaven
- Crowley
- Crucifixion
- Cruella
- Cruella D’ville
- Cry-Max
- Crying Steel
- Crypt
- Crystal Knight
- Crystal Pride
- Crystal Zone
- Crysys
- Cuero y Metal
- Culprit
- Cutthroat
- Cutty Sark
- Cyclone
- Cyperus
- Cyrus Eden
D ↑
- D.A.M.
- D.C. Lacroix
- D.D.T.
- Dagger
- Damacles
- Damage
- Damascus
- Damien
- Damien Thorne
- Dammaj
- Damocles
- Damzell
- Dancer
- Danger
- Danger Zone
- Danton
- Dark Age
- Dark Angel
- Dark Heart
- Dark Knight
- Dark Lord
- Dark Quarterer
- Dark Star
- Dark Wizard
- Darkness (Col)
- Darkness (Deu)
- Darxon
- David Neil Cline
- Dead End
- Dead Man’s Fun
- Dead Serios
- Deadly Blessing
- Deaf Dealer
- Dealer
- Death SS
- Deathrow
- Deathwish
- Decoy Paris
- Ded Engine
- Deep Switch
- Deep Throat
- Def Leppard
- Defender
- Défi
- Defiance
- Defiant
- Deliverance
- Dementia
- Demon
- Demon Eyes
- Demon Pact
- Denigh
- Der Kaiser
- Desire
- Desolation Angels
- Despair
- Destiny
- Destroya
- Destroyer
- Destroyer (Gbr)
- Destruction
- Destructor
- Détente
- Deuce
- Devastation
- Devil Childe
- Dezark
- Diamond Head
- Diamond Needle
- Diamond Rexx
- Digger
- Dio
- Disciple
- Discovery
- Divine Rite
- Divlje Jagode
- Dizziness
- Dokken
- Domain
- Domäin
- Domine
- Dorsal Atlântica
- Dorso
- Dr. Mastermind
- Dr. Steel
- Dragon Rouge
- Dragonfly
- Dragonne
- Dragonslayer
- Drakkar (Bel)
- Drakkar (Esp)
- Dreams Of Glory
- Drifter (Che)
- Drifter (Fra)
- Drive
- Druid
- Drýsill
- Dual Edge
- Dum-Dum Bullet
- Dungeon
- Dwarr
E ↑
- E-X-E
- E.F. Band
- Eclipse Of The Sun
- Eden
- Egypt
- Ekhymosis
- Elegy
- Elektradrive
- Elixir
- Eliza
- Emerald (Nld)
- Emerald (USA)
- Emmy Strut
- Empire Saint
- Enchanter
- Epicentro
- Eros
- Escape
- Esfinge
- Eskirla
- Estigia
- Ethel The Frog
- Eudoxis
- Evil
- Ex.Danger
- Excalibur
- Excalibur (Fra)
- Excalibur (Gbr)
- Excess
- Exciter
- Excuriver
- Executioner
- Exises
- Exocet
- Exodo
- Exodus
- Exorcist
- Expect No Mercy
- Exploder
- Explorer
- Exumer
- Exxplorer
- Ezra
- Ezy Meat
F ↑
- F.B. Bastard
- Fact
- Fahrenheit
- Fair Warning
- Faith Of Steel
- Faithful Breath
- Fast Draw
- Fast Kutz
- Fates Warning
- Feed Back
- Feline Melinda
- Fifth Angel
- Fighter
- Fil Di Ferro
- Final Assault
- Final Axe
- Final Heiress
- First Aid
- First Offence
- First Strike
- Firstryke
- Fisc
- Fist
- Flames
- Flames Of Hell
- Flashpoint
- Flatbacker
- Fleury
- Flight Charm
- Flotsam And Jetsam
- Flying Vision
- FN Guns
- Fongus
- Force
- Force 3
- Forced Entry
- Forces
- Forgotten Child
- Formel I
- Fortress
- Fortress (Che)
- Fortuner
- Frigid Bich
- Frozen Eyes
- Full Moon
- Furia Animal
- Fury
- Future Tense
G ↑
- Gain
- Galaktika
- Gallows Pole
- Gamma Ray
- Gargoyle
- Gaskin
- Gator
- Geddes Axe
- Gehenna
- Geisha
- Genghis Khan
- Genocide (Jpn)
- Genocide Nippon
- Get Lost
- Ghandi
- Gilgamesj
- Gillman
- Girlschool
- Glacier
- Glory Bell’s Band
- Gobra
- Godzilla
- Gog
- Gogmagog
- Goliath
- Gotham City
- Grand Bite
- Grave Digger
- Graven Image
- Gravestone
- Greifenhagen
- Griffin
- Grim Reaper
- Grudge
- Guerreros del Metal
- Guitar Pete’s Axe Attack
- Gunfire
- Gutwrench
H ↑
- H and H
- H-Bomb
- Hades (Esp)
- Hades (USA)
- Hallowed
- Halloween
- Halloween (Ita)
- Hallows Eve
- Hamada Mari
- Hammer
- Hammer Head
- Hammer Witch
- Hammerhawk
- Hammeron
- Hammers Rule
- Hammerschmitt
- Hands Of Mercy
- Hanover Fist
- Hans Naughty
- Hard ‘n Heart
- Hard Day
- Hardline
- Hardware (Deu)
- Hardware (Nld)
- Harlet
- Harppia
- Harrier
- Hatrik
- Havoc
- Hawaii
- Hawk
- Hazzard (Deu)
- Hazzard (Gbr)
- Headhunter
- Headstone
- Heathen
- Heathens Rage
- Heather Leather
- Heaven
- Heavens Gate
- Heavy Chainzz
- Heavy Load
- Heavy Metal Army
- Heavy Pettin’
- Heir Apparent
- Hell
- Hellanbach
- Hellbound
- Hellen
- Hellhound
- Hellion (Arg)
- Hellion (USA)
- Hellion Noise
- Helloïse
- Helloween
- Helstar
- Hendrickson
- Heretic (Gbr)
- Heretic (USA)
- Heritage
- Hermética
- Hexx
- High Power
- High Tension
- Highland Queen
- Highway Chile
- Hirax
- Hiroshima
- Hittman
- Hocculta
- Holland (Gbr)
- Holland (USA)
- Hollow Ground
- Holocaust
- Holocross
- Holosade
- Holy Moses
- Holy Terror
- Horizon
- Hunter
- Hydra Vein
- Hyksos
I ↑
- Ibéria
- Iced Earth
- Icon
- Image
- Immaculate Mary
- Impact
- Impaler
- Impellitteri
- Impulse
- Impulse (Jpn)
- Incubus
- Infernäl Mäjesty
- Infra Red
- Inherent Sin
- Inner Sanctum
- Innocence
- Inox
- Inquisidor
- Intrepid
- Intrinsic
- Invader
- Ion Britton
- Iron Angel
- Iron Cross
- Iron Cross (USA)
- Iron Grey
- Iron Gypsy
- Iron Maiden
- Ironcross
- Ironhawk
- Ironheart
- Ivory Tiger
J ↑
- Jack Starr
- Jackal
- Jackie Wulf
- Jackpot
- Jade
- Jag Panzer
- Jaguar
- Jameson Raid
- Jamie Lee Saint
- Jesus
- Jewel (Jpn)
- Jewel (Nld)
- Jinx
- Joker
- Jonah Quizz
- Judas Priest
- Juggernaut
K ↑
- Kalevala
- Kamikaze (Arg)
- Kamikaze (Bra)
- Karisma
- Karrier
- Katedra
- Keel
- Keen Hue
- Khafra
- Kick Axe
- Kidd Gloves
- Kill Van Kull
- Killen
- Killer (Bel)
- Killer (Che)
- Killer Watt
- Killers
- Kimmo Kuusniemi Band
- King Diamond
- King’s Ransom
- Knightmare
- Knightmare II
- Koda Khan
- Kraken (Can)
- Kraken (Col)
- Krank
- Kreator
- Krokus
- Kronen
- Kruiz
- Kublai Khan
- Kuni
L ↑
- Lääz Rockit
- Lady Killer
- Lady Sabre
- Lanadrid
- Lanzer
- Las Brujas
- Last Descendants
- Lastlix
- Lawlessness
- Lawsuit
- Lazarus Sin
- Lazy
- Lazzer
- Le Griffe
- Leader
- Leather
- Leather Nunn
- Leatherwolf
- Lee Aaron
- Legend (Gbr)
- Legend (USA)
- Legija
- Legion (Esp)
- Legion (USA)
- Leize
- Lester Maddox
- Letchen Grey
- Lethal
- Leviatán
- Leviticus
- Lewd Preacher
- Liar
- Liege Lord
- Light Force
- Lightning Fire
- Limelight
- Lince
- Lion
- Lionheart
- Lions Breed
- Lions Pride
- Livi
- Living Death
- Lizzy Borden
- Loadstar
- London
- Loosely Tight
- Lord (USA)
- Lords Of The Crimson…
- Loud Crowd
- Loudness
- Lucifer’s Heritage
- Lucrecia
- Lust (Fra)
- Lust (USA)
- Luzbel
- Lynx
M ↑
- M-16
- M-80
- M.A.R.S.
- M.C. Blade
- Macbeth
- Mace
- Mad Alien
- Mad Axeman
- Mad Butcher
- Mad Dog
- Mad Max
- Madam X
- Madd Hatter
- Maddax
- Madhouse
- Madison
- Magenda
- Maggie’s Madness
- Magia Negra
- Magnit
- Maineeaxe
- Mainiax
- Mainstreet
- Malachia
- Malibu Barbi
- Malice
- Malisha
- Maltese Falcon
- Mammoth
- Mandator
- Mania (Deu)
- Mania (USA)
- Maniac
- Manilla Road
- Manimals
- Maninnya Blade
- Manitou
- Manowar
- Mantas
- Marienthal
- Marino
- Marion
- Mark I
- Mark Lowrey
- Mars
- Marseille
- Marshall Law
- Martyr
- Marvel
- Masi
- Masque
- Mass (Deu)
- Mass (USA)
- Master
- Matakopas
- Max Havoc
- Max Lynx
- Maxx Warrior
- May-Linn
- Mayhem
- Mazo
- McCoy
- Meanstreak (Gbr)
- Meanstreak (USA)
- Medieval
- Medieval Steel
- Medusa (Gbr)
- Megadeth
- Megahertz
- Megaton
- Mein Kampf
- Meliah Rage
- Mell Rose
- Mendes Prey
- Mental Powers
- Mentors
- Mephisto
- Mephisto (Deu)
- Mercenary
- Mercy
- Mercy Rule
- Mercyful Fate
- Mergus
- Merri Hoax
- Messiah
- Messiah Force
- Messiah Prophet
- Metal Axxe
- Metal Church
- Metal Cross
- Metal Merchant
- Metal Mercy
- Metal Mirror
- Metal Storm
- Metal Sword
- Metal X
- Metallica
- Metalmorfosis
- Metalmorphose
- Metalwolf
- Metower
- Midnight Darkness
- Midnight Vice
- Militia
- Millennium
- Mindless Sinner
- Mirage
- Misako Honjoh
- Mistreated
- Mistreated (USA)
- Mistreater
- Mistrust
- Monolith
- Monroxe
- Moon Of Steel
- Mordaz
- Mordor
- More
- Morgana
- Mortal Sin (Aus)
- Mortal Sin (Nld)
- Mortician
- Mortox
- Mötley Crüe
- Motörhead
- Mournblade
- Mox Nix
- MP
- Munetaka Higuchi
- Murbas
- Muro
- Mysstress
- Mystery
- Mystery Blue
- Mystic Force
- Mystique
- Mysto Dysto
- Mystress
- Mythra
N ↑
- N.J.B.
- Nasty Savage
- Nation
- Necronomicon
- Nemesis
- Neon Cross
- Neon Night
- Nevermore
- New York
- Nexis
- Next
- Nexus
- Nightcrawler
- Nighthawk
- Nightmare
- Nightprowler
- Nightwing
- Ninja
- Ninja (Deu)
- Ninja (US)
- Nitro
- No Bros
- No Trouble
- Noisehunter
- Nokemono
- Norden Light
- Northwind
- Not Fragile
- Nothing Sacred
- Ñu
- Nuclear Assault
- Nuthin’ Pritty
- Nytemare
- Nytrix
O ↑
- O.S.S.Y
- Obsession
- Obús
- Odin
- Old Yron
- Oliver Magnum
- Omega
- Omen
- Omen UK
- Onslaught
- Open Fire
- Oracle
- Oral
- Orange
- Original Sin
- Oro
- Orphan Allies
- Osiris
- Osmi Putnik
- Ossian
- Ostrogoth
- Outburst
- Outrage
- Outrage (Jpn)
- Outside
- Overdose (Bra)
- Overdose (Deu)
- Overdose (Ger)
- Overdrive
- Overdrive (Gbr)
- Overkill
- Overlord (Can)
- Overlord (USA)
- Overlorde
- Overlorde SR
- Oz
- Ozzy Osbourne
P ↑
- Pagan
- Pagan Altar
- Paganini
- Pain
- Paladin
- Palass
- Pandemonium
- Pantera
- Panther
- Panzer (Chl)
- Panzer (Esp)
- Paradise Jade
- Paradox (Deu)
- Paradox (USA)
- Paradoxx
- Paralex
- Parasite
- Pariah
- Pariah (Gbr)
- Parking
- Patrulha Do Espaço
- Paul Chain Violet Theatre
- Pedro Botero
- Pentagram
- Pergament
- Persian Risk
- Phantom
- Phantom Blue
- Phantom Lord
- Phaser
- Phasslayne
- Philadelphia
- Phyne Thanquz
- Picture
- Pierce
- Piledriver
- Pirillo
- Platina
- Plattform
- Pokolgép
- Pontius Pilate
- Powerlord
- Powermad
- Powersurge
- Praxis
- Praying Mantis
- Predator
- Pretty Maids
- Preyer
- Prisoner
- Prisoner (Aut)
- Prophacy
- Prophets Of Doom
- Proud
- Proud Existence
- Prowler
- Psycho
- Puño de Hierro
- Purgatory
- Purple Angels
Q ↑
R ↑
- Racer X
- Raff
- Rage
- Rage (Gbr)
- Rage Of Angels
- Rail
- Railway
- Rain
- Rammpage
- Rampage
- Ramses
- Randy
- Rankelson
- Rapid Tears
- Rat Attack
- Rata Blanca
- Rated X
- Ravage (Deu)
- Ravage (USA)
- Rave
- Raven
- Raven Bitch
- Raw Energy
- Razor
- Razormaid
- Reaction
- Real Steel
- Realm
- Reaper
- Rebellion
- Recidive
- Reckless
- Recon
- Red Dragon
- Release
- Rellik
- Renegade
- Renegade (Aus)
- Renegade (USA)
- Repression
- Rescue
- Resistencia
- Restless
- Retrosatan
- Revenge
- Revenge (Nld)
- Rex Begonia
- Rhett Forrester
- Riff Raff
- Rigor Mortis (Esp)
- Rigor Mortis (USA)
- Rimmel
- Riot
- Ripper
- Rising Power
- Rising Power (Ita)
- Risk
- Ritual
- Ritual (USA)
- Roadrunner
- Robertinho De Recife
- Rock Asylum
- Rock D.A.M.
- Rock Goddess
- Rogue Male
- Rok Bergade
- Rollerball
- Rosa Negra
- Rose Bayonet
- Rottweiller
- Rough
- Rox
- Royal Air Force
- Royal Flush
- Rozz
- Ruffians
- Running Wild
- Ruthless
- Rychus Syn
S ↑
- S.A. Slayer
- S.A.D.O.
- S.A.S.
- S.D.I.
- S.P.A.
- Sabbat
- Sabbat (Jpn)
- Sabbrabells
- Sable
- Sabotage
- Sabre (Can)
- Sabre (USA)
- Sacrafice
- Sacred Blade
- Sacred Chao
- Sacred Child
- Sacred Few
- Sacred Heart
- Sacred Oath
- Sacred Rite
- Sacred Warrior
- Sacrifice
- Sacrifice (Che)
- Sacrifice (Swe)
- Sacrilege
- Sacrilegio
- Sad Iron
- Sadwings
- Saigon
- Saint
- Saintly Sinner
- Saints Anger
- Salário Mínimo
- Salem
- Salem’s Law
- Salem’s Wych
- Sam Thunder
- Samain
- Samson
- Samurai
- Sanctuary
- Sangtraït
- Santa
- Sanz
- Sapphire
- Saracen
- Sarcofagus
- Sarissa
- Satan
- Satan Jokers
- Satan’s Host
- Satanic Rites
- Satin Steel
- Sato
- Savage
- Savage Grace
- Savage Steel
- Savage Thrust
- Savagers
- Savatage
- Saxon
- Scanner
- Scarab
- Scarcrow
- Scarecrow
- Scavenger
- School Of Violence
- Scorpions
- Screamer
- Seduce
- Seducer (Gbr)
- Seducer (Nld)
- Seikima II
- Sentinel Beast
- Sepultura
- Serpent’s Knight
- Seventh Son
- Severe Warning
- Shabby Trick
- Shadow
- Sheer Greed
- Sheilan
- Shella
- Shellshock
- Shelyak
- Shining Blade
- Shire
- Shiva
- Shock (Esp)
- Shock (USA)
- Shock Tilt
- Shocksplit
- Shok Paris
- Show-Ya
- Sieges Even
- Silent Listener
- Silver Mountain
- Silvertrain
- Simson
- Sinawe
- Sinful
- Sinner
- Sinner (USA)
- Sirath
- Siren
- Six Beer
- Six Feet Under
- Six Point Six
- Skanners
- Slaughter (Fra)
- Slauter Xstroyes
- Slaven
- Slayer
- Sledgehammer
- Small Sky
- Snakebite
- Sniper
- Snow
- Snow White
- Sobredosis
- Sodom
- Soga
- Solar Eagle
- Soldier
- Soldier (Gbr)
- Sorcerer
- Sorcery
- Sortilège
- Sound Barrier
- Sparta
- Spartan Warrior
- Sparto
- Spectral Incursion
- Spectre
- Speed
- Speed Limit
- Spellbound
- Spike
- Spitfire
- Spitfire (Ita)
- Split Beaver
- Split Image
- Squadron
- Squadron (USA)
- Square
- Squealer
- St. Elmo’s Fire
- St. Hellier
- Stained Class
- Stainless Steel
- Stainless Steel (Bel)
- Start
- Steel
- Steel Against Steel
- Steel Angel
- Steel Arrows
- Steel Assassin
- Steel Crown
- Steel Fury
- Steel Prophet
- Steel Vengeance
- Steel Warriors
- Steeler (Deu)
- Steeler (USA)
- Steelover
- Steeltower
- Stiletto
- Stitch
- Stoned Age
- Stonefield
- Stonehenge
- Stormbringer (Che)
- Stormbringer (Nzl)
- Stormtrooper
- Stormtrooper (Gbr)
- Stormwave
- Stormwind
- Stormwitch
- Storyteller
- Stos
- Straightway
- Strana Officina
- Stranger
- Stratovarius
- Strattson
- Stray
- Stream
- Street Child
- Street Fighter
- Streetfighter
- Stress (Bra)
- Stress (Esp)
- Stress (Hun)
- Strike (Ita)
- Strike (USA)
- Strike Force
- Strikeforce
- Stryken
- Stryker
- Stryker (USA)
- Stryper
- Stud
- Stygian Shore
- Subterráneo
- Sudden Death
- Sultan
- Sunset
- Surface
- Sweet Cheater
- Sweet Savage
- Sword
- Sword (Nld)
- Swords
- Syar
- Sye
- Synthèse
- Syron Vanes
- Syrus
T ↑
- T.N.T.
- Taist Of Iron
- Takashi
- Taliön
- Talión
- Talon
- Tank
- Tantrum
- Taramis
- Tarantula
- Target
- Tarot
- Tattoo
- Taurus
- Tempered Steel
- Tempered Steel (USA)
- Tension
- Terra Rosa
- Terrattack
- Testament
- Tharna
- The Beast
- The Brood
- The Datura
- The Hand Of Doom
- The Handsome Beasts
- The Regime
- The Rods
- The Unjust
- Thor (Arg)
- Thor (Bra)
- Thor (Can)
- Thor (Esp)
- Thorax
- Thrasher
- Thrust
- Thruster
- Thunder
- Thunder Rider
- Thundercraaft
- Thunderdome
- Thunderfire
- Thunderhead
- Thunderstick
- Thunderstorm
- Tigres
- Tilt
- Titan
- Titan Force
- Titanic
- Titanic (USA)
- TNT (Fra)
- TNT (Gbr)
- Tobruk
- Together
- Tokyo Blade
- Tora Tora
- Tora Tora (Gbr)
- Toranaga
- Torch
- Tormentor (Bel)
- Torture Slave
- Touchdown
- Touched
- Tox
- Toxik
- Trafalgar
- Traitor
- Traitors Gate
- Trance
- Trancemission
- Transmetal
- Trash Gang
- Trauma
- Tredegar
- Trespass
- Trial
- Triarchy
- Trident
- Trilogy
- Tritón
- Tröjan
- Trojan
- Trop Feross
- Trouble
- Trouble (Swe)
- Trueno Azul
- Truffle
- Trust
- Trytan
- Tsunami
- TT Quick
- Tubos de Plata
- Turbo
- Twilight Project
- Tyga Myra
- Tygers Of Pan Tang
- Tyran’ Pace
- Tyranny
- Tyrant (Deu)
- Tyrant (Gbr)
- Tyrant (Nzl)
- Tyrant (USA)
- Tyrant’s Reign
- Tyrus
- Tysondog
- Tytan
- Tyton
- Tzar
U ↑
- U.D.O.
- U.T.M.
- U4EA
- U8
- Ultimatum
- Ultimos de Cuba
- Underdog
- Unicorn
- Union
- Universe
- Unleashed
- Unreal Terror
- Upper Echelon
- Urano
V ↑
- V2
- V8
- Vade Retro
- Valhalla
- Valkylie
- Valkyrie
- Valor
- Vamp
- Vampirella
- Vampyr
- Van Camp
- Vanadium
- Vandale
- Vanexa
- Vanguard
- Vanishing Point
- Vardis
- Vasco Da Gama
- Vatican
- Vault
- Vavel
- Vectom
- Veil
- Vendetta (Deu)
- Vendetta (Fin)
- Vengeance (Nld)
- Vengeance (USA)
- Venin
- Venom
- Vênus
- Veto
- Vice
- Vice (Aus)
- Vice Human
- Vicious Rumors
- Victim
- Victory
- Viking
- Villain
- Violent Force
- Viper
- Virgem Atômica
- Virgin
- Virgin Soldiers
- Virgin Steele
- Virtue
- Viuda Negra
- Viva
- Vixen
- Vixen (Fra)
- Vodu
- Voie De Fait
- Voivod
- Voltz
- VooDoo
- Voodoo Child
- Vopo’s
- Vortex
- Vulcain
- Vulcano
- Vyper
W ↑
- W.A.S.P.
- Wages Of Sin
- Wallop
- Wanted Breed
- War Machine
- Warchylde
- Wardance
- Warfare
- Wargasm
- Warhead
- Warlock
- Warlord
- Warminister
- Warning
- Warrant
- Warrior (Gbr)
- Warrior (USA)
- Warriors
- Warzwolf
- Wasted
- Watchtower
- Waxface
- Waxwing
- Weapon (Gbr)
- Weapon (USA)
- Westfalen
- Whiplash
- White Heat
- White Hott
- White Lightning
- White Night
- White Night (USA)
- White Spirit
- Whitecross
- Wicked Lester
- Wikka
- Wilczy Pająk
- Wild Cat
- Wild Dogs
- Wild Pussy
- Wildfire
- Winterhawk
- Wise Man
- Witch
- Witch (USA)
- Witch Cross
- Witchfinder General
- Witchfynde
- Witchkiller
- Wizz
- Wizzard
- Wolf
- Wolf (Jpn)
- Wolfsbane
- World War III
- Wraith
- Wrath
- Wrathchild
- Wrathchild America
- Wrest
- Wyzard
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